Thursday, May 14, 2009

Art and Class

It seems like everyone in Texas is talking about school funding right now and my colleague Adrienne probably won't be the last. I don't agree with with her comment "the rich man and the poor man can attend[,] but the middle-class man has to practically sell his soul." Although, I was intrigued by her mention about the stripping of Fine Arts from the schools; I wish she would have discussed her views on this more thoroughly.

Senate bill 3 , is also known as the School Accountability Bill. This bill will be cutting out the Fine Arts requirement. The option for Fine Arts will still exist, but for how long? If Fine Arts are not required will students still take these classes? If not enough students register for Fine Arts as their electives, these programs could be cut. Fine Arts are especially necessary in low-income areas. They provide a relief and outlet for youth and teens that is an alternative to drugs, alcohol, and street life. Grounded in Music is an example of a non-profit working to bring the arts to the underprivileged as a alternative to more destructive behavior.

As far as the rich, poor and middle-class man is concerned, all are able to attend college. The poor will still have to struggle regardless. The poor man does not have the culture or upbringing that the middle-class and rich-man has. The skills that can get the middle-class and rich-man a decent job, the poor man will lack, unless he or she crosses the class lines. A poor man or woman may be raised in a home sharing a single room with his or her entire family. A poor man or woman may have been raised without access to health care, or proper nutrition. A poor man or woman may have been raised with more adversity that cannot be made up simply in College funds. The poor man or woman has to work while going to college and has no parent to support them. The middle class and rich man and woman usually do. The only shame is that not all students have parents willing to support them - regardless of class. In order to attain a degree, all students of all classes must eventually work hard for themselves in order to succeed.

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